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Minimum Medical Standards for PC events

  • News

From 1st July 2022, the Minimum Medical Services for Pony Club Activities will apply to all Pony Club activities.

All clubs will need first aid staff and first aid kits for human and horse to meet the PCA standards. 

What does this mean for your club?

Rally, Clinic, Pony Club® Camp and Competition – Mounted Games, Dressage, Show Riding, Gymkhana, Tetrathlon with less than 50 riders. Mandatory: 1 X First Aid Officer with current HLTAIT003 or HLTAID011 or Dr/Nr/paramedic, 1 x First Aid Kit human, 1 x First Aid Kit Horse, 1 x First Aid Point
Recommended: Veterinarian/Local ambulance notified of event and estimated numbers, 1 X Defibrillator.

Any rally, clinic or event with more than 50 riders or jumping competition, requires increased resources.