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Hosted by Section C at Bealiba Pony Club – Sunday 21st April 2024

Inviting all clubs to plan a competitive and non competitive Games team, or prepare a Musical team or Flat team.

PCV team Games – Flat – Musical State Championships – 22nd – 23rd June 2024

Flat or Pairs or Musical or Games – Eligible combinations may compete in all or any of the flat competitions (Flat Teams and/or Musical Ride) and/or the Kay Irving Memorial Games in the same year.

PCV State Rule for Composite Teams – Composite Teams for Games, Flat and Musical (which is at the Zone Representatives discretion). Teams must meet the criteria for age groups and eligibility; members of each
team must be from the same Zone.
The Midland Zone allows clubs to form Composite Teams thus encouraging riders to join in and have a go. Composite Teams that meet the rider eligibility guidelines can compete for placings. If a Composite Team qualifies for State they may be eligible to compete at the Zone Reps discretion. The Composite Team is not eligible to win the Cyril Martin Perpetual Trophy. This Trophy can only be won by the highest placing Club Team.

When a club does not have a full Games team, Midland Zone encourages clubs to submit riders names for Games teams, competitive and non competitive . Midland Zone will work to create teams to accommodate all riders submitted.
A club may make up a non-competitive team. The team may consist of riders being assisted, with card annuities, and excess riders in a higher age group. These teams will compete in a competition against other clubs riding “NOT TO SCORE”.